austrian-lithuanian culture-association    ---      österreichisch-litauische Kulturgesellschaft

About us

aulica -  austrian-lithuanian-culture-association -

The purpose of the culture association, which is located in Weiz (Austria), is an intense cultural exchange between Austria and Lithuania, with special focus on the area of music.


The starting point for the formation of the association was the invitation of the musical director Johannes Steinwender to the International St. Jacob Sacred Music Festival in September 2016. During this festival, exchanges with the State Choir Vilnius, for example with the director Vladas Bagdonas and chief conductor Arturas Dambrauskas, took place. In these encounters an increase of artistic exchanges was discussed - starting with the metier of choir music, for which Lithuania enjoys an excellent world-wide reputation.


Following cooperation and events are currently planned, in preparation or have already been made:


"The Letters to Sophia..": Concert trip of the "Choras Vilnius" to Austria from 11th to 15th June including three concerts in Graz, Weiz and Hartberg. Tickets to € 15,- (for youth peopleand students € 10,-) are available at and phone +43/660/7707975 (Mrs Steinwender); Prices at the evening: € 20,-/15,-


“Pastoral Mass”: Austrian premiere of the mass for 8-voice-mixed choir, soprano saxophone, piano and drums composed by Vytautas Miskinis. It was performed on May 6 th 2017 in Hartberg and May 7 th 2017 in Anger by the Chor des KMV Hartberg (Sacred-Music-Society Hartberg), Georg Gratzer – saxophone, Lukas Meißl – piano and Luis Andre de Oliveira – drums; Conductor: Johannes Steinwender.


St. Jacob Festival 2017: two concerts with the Chor des KMV Hartberg (Sacred-Music-Society-Hartberg) on September 1 st and 2 nd, 2017 in Kaunas and Vilnius. The programme will exclusively consist of works by Austrian composers of the 20th and 21st century (V. Fortin, K. Neuhauser, A.F. Kropfreiter, P. Planyavsky, P. Hertel, A. Schaufler, D. Rusch, J. Steinwender..).

Concert with the "St.Cecilias Boys and Youth Choir" in Weiz on August 9th 2018


  • concert tour of the State Choir Vilnius through Austria (Styria). Preliminary talks are in progress. 2 concerts in Hartberg and Weiz are fixed.
  •  Invitations of Lithuanian conductors and composers to workshops in Austria.
  •  Invitations of Austrian conductors and composers to workshops in Lithuania.
  •  Cooperation with the University of Music and Performing Arts in Graz (KUG)
  • Expansion to other artistic areas (e.g. orchestra music, ballet). In addition, further discussions with, for example, the Musikverein Kärnten (Carinthian Music Society) and the Wiener Concert-Verein (Vienna Concert-Society) are in progress.

Supportive committee:

Richard Dünser (Professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, composer, member of the Austrian performing arts society)


Ernest Hötzl (Professor at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Carinthian Music Society, Jeunesse Carinthia)



Dr. Doris Maier (Steirische Wirtschaftstreuhand)

Dr. Alexander Starkel (Notar in Weiz)

DI Doris Gasser-Enzensberger (LIEB-Group)

Ing. Michael Winkelbauer (Winkelbauer GmbH)

Marianne Hötzl (Carinthian Folk Music Society)

and many others...